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Tag Archives: seoul international fireworks festival

✿ 131005 ✿ Hanwha Facebook updated promotional picture of Seoul International Fireworks Festival 2013 featured Sulli (2P)

  © Hanwha

October 5, 2013 · Leave a comment

✿ Sulli News Weekly Wrap-Up (September 16th-22nd) ✿

Sulli was chosen as one of the representative to promoted the Seoul International Fireworks Festival 2013 by Hanwha.      Other Commercial Update LOVCAT: ✿, ✿ SPAO: ✿ Etude House: ✿ … Continue reading

September 23, 2013 · Leave a comment

✿ 130902 ✿ Sulli filming Hanwha promotional video for International Fireworks Festival 2013 (1V | sulli94net)

©sulli94.net Do not edit or cut the logo! Unauthorized use is strictly prohibited. Thanks:)

September 23, 2013 · Leave a comment

✿ 130902 ✿ Sulli filming Hanwha promotional video for International Fireworks Festival 2013 (4P | sulli94net)

The pictures has been resized to fit in the page. Click to enlarge~!^^ ©sulli94.net Do not cut their logo! Unauthorized use is strictly prohibited. Thanks:)

September 17, 2013 · Leave a comment

✿ 130916 ✿ Sulli on the promotional video of Seoul International Fireworks Festival

Source: hanwhadays

September 16, 2013 · Leave a comment

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